Released December 15th 2021
Model stitched on 32 count Country French Rain Linen by Wichelt Imports.
Alternate fabric 16 count Graceful Gray Aida by Wichelt Imports.
Stitch count of 167 x 224
DMC Floss
9, 25, 29, 30, 159, 169, 209, 210, 211, 341, 368, 413, 415, 553, 564, 598, 747, 772, 3756, 3768, 3849, B5200
Caron Waterlilies:
029 - Seafoam
177 - Sapphire
200 - Aquamarine
Kreinik #4:
032, 096, 014HL
Mill Hill Beads:
00374, 02006, 02008, 02097, 10001, 16601, 18824, 40479 x 2, 42029 x 2
(Mill Hill Beads and Treasures are all included in the Embellishment Pack which can be purchased separately)