Linen Sizes
The design area is 76 stitches (w) x 193 stitches (h). Our calculations have included a 3″ margin for finishing and framing.
The model was stitched on Zweigart-based linen overdyed by xJuDesigns to a shade of Marbled Khaki. The original sampler was stitched on approximately 24ct linen with wool.
We recommend that you should use the threads and a count and fabric that you enjoy working with.
28ct: Design: 5.43″ x 13.79″ Fabric: 11.43″ x 19.79″
30ct: Design: 5.07″ x 12.87″ Fabric: 11.07″ x 18.87″
32ct: Design: 4.75″ x 12.06″ Fabric: 10.75″ x 18.06″
36ct: Design: 4.22″ x 10.72″ Fabric: 10.22″ x 16.72″
40ct: Design: 3.8″ x 9.65″ Fabric: 9.8″ x 15.65″
46ct: Design: 3.3″ x 8.39″ Fabric: 9.3″ x 14.39″
56ct: Design: 2.71″ x 6.89″ Fabric: 8.71″ x 12.89″